5 Mainstream Costumes to Kill This Halloween
7:13 AM
For sure you’ve been thinking about what you will dress up as this
Halloween whether you’re going out to party or staying home being all kinky.
You’ve probably scrolled through the “Halloween Costumes” tag a whole lot well
to give you some advice on what NOT to wear because most probably you’ll have a
twin or a triplet or a whole squad of doppelgangers.
Harley Quinn.
STOP. RIGHT. THERE. Let go of that bat.
Ever since Suicide Squad got released I had a hunch that it will be a popular
Halloween costume. The party has got enough psychos please don’t add to the
Alternative: go for the less appreciated Enchantress, equally creepy + you can even
do that creepy dance she does! Also you can opt for the sane scientist Harley
Quinn for a less mainstream take.
Not to dig my own grave here let me
just say I love Eleven. I love Stranger Things and I can’t wait for season 2
but just going through websites a lot of them recommend Eleven and well most
people would take that advice. The next thing you know you’re bumping into
another Eleven.
Alternative: Barb! Why doesn’t anyone care about Barb! Her outfit and getup is
iconic as well. Pay homage to Barb!
Mario & Luigi.
This is soooo last year. A lot of
celebrities did this including Kendall Jenner. I’m sure there are other BFF
costumes out there.
Disney’s Queen and apparently the most
popular marketing strategy for kids. Just give this costume to the 6 year olds.
It’s time to give up the throne.
Alternative: Anna or the trolls. Hey! There’s another Disney princess coming up,
Moana, maybe it’s time to trade the cape for a grass skirt.
Slutty Nurse.
Just kill this bitch.