Plans for 2020

6:04 AM

As an overthinker, I have a basic outline for my future until I'm 40. But for now, let's focus on my plans for the new year. This 2020, I'm 22. There are a lot of things I'd like to change, improve, and manage. 

Let's start.

100 Films A Year.

Since I now have a Netflix account, nothing's stopping me from binge-watching shows and films. I usually watch at least 3 films a week, so I think 100 films a year is attainable than a targeted number of books. 

10 Books for 2020.

I've never really been into the Goodreads reading challenge because I wasn't a bookworm. I mean I read books but not really at a fast pace, just always at a very slow pace. I want to level up this year and read 10 books by the end of 2020. I joined a book club, so I think now I'm ready!!! Starting the year with my exchange gift gift  The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson. 

No Landi 2020.

These past few years, I've been putting myself out there by flirting online (thru Tinder/Bumble) and in person. I've gone out on my first ever date and flirted with a guy who always brushes off my attempt to ask him to hang out.  I've been pretty productive, I mean 2k17 Sophia could never. 

But, since those instances, I've come to realize that I may not be ready for romance. I love being by myself and knowing myself more on my own. I'd like to do more things alone and challenge myself on being independent. 

Clear Skin.

I'm back to being faithful to my skincare routine. So far, I've seen some improvement. I'm getting fewer breakouts thanks to Apple Cider Vinegar and Aztec Clay Mask. When I'm ready, maybe I'll post a skincare routine, who knows.

Summer Parisian.

This is the ~aesthetic~ I want for my style next year. I want to graduate from my art intern aesthetic and incorporate more heels, trousers, dresses, and beautifully colored and structured blouses. a la Rachel Nguyen or Martine Cajucom.

Learn a language.

I'm still debating whether I'd like to re-pickup French or start fresh with Mandarin. I know studying Mandarin is like bowing down to China, but I think I could use this to my advantage in the future. 

Eat less dairy.

My movement to start veganism...chos! I've recently discovered that I'm lactose intolerant. So, it's my body's movement towards veganism I guess. But I'll be cutting my intake on ice cream mainly since it's the most triggering dairy product for me. 

That's basically it. I have very high hopes for 2020 Sophia, hope she's better than I am now. Hope she continues to grow ;)

Much love,

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